Winter Paws


Many dogs and cats become severely ill each year from rock salt and antifreeze products. Rock salt is a mixture of salt and grit used to de-ice roads. Unlike table salt, even small quantities of this can be dangerous to your pet. Antifreeze used for cars is extremely poisonous for animals, and in many cases fatal.

As you walk your dog in populated areas, their fur can pick up these products, which are then ingested by your pet as it grooms itself. If you live in the city, make a habit of always rinsing off your dog’s paws, legs, and belly after the walk.

Exposure to cold, ice, and salt can also cause your dog’s paws to become particularly vulnerable. Examine your dog’s paws after the walk to make sure there are snow lumps stuck between their toes or paw pads. If your dog has very short fur, they can also get cuts from the ice. If your dog is badly effected, you can use Musher's Secret cream or Pawz Boots to protect your dog’s paws when outside. Similar to human skin, the cold can cause your dog’s paw pads to get dry and crack. I counterbalance this by feeding supplements rich in essential fatty acids such as rapeseed, flaxseed or coconut oil, and use Da Fioretti Organics Nourishing Cream on the dog’s paw pads after long walks.


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