We have had Willow for just over a year and we were struggling with her fearful/ aggressive reaction to other dogs. We felt that her issue was caused by fear, but didn't know how to help her with it. We had two trainers previously before going to Linnea, but had mixed success. Our walks became a tense and frustrating experience always on the lookout for other dogs or situations that could cause an issue. Linnea initially completed a home visit and gave us some exercises to work on. We then signed up for Linnea's Dog Socialisation classes at Mortonhall, Edinburgh. Willow is now able to walk around the grounds of Mortonhall, with 4 other dogs of various breeds. These dogs are also dog to dog reactive. I now have a set of skills that I am able to use on walks to help Willow feel safe and reassured that we will look after her. I would also like to say that the training sessions and the ongoing training I have been doing with Willow has taken our relationship to another level. The closeness that we have now has really cemented our relationship. This is all down to the advice and expertise of Linnea and Gregor.
- Ebby