When I moved to Edinburgh city centre with Dougal he became increasingly reactive towards other male dogs, and territorial towards dog walkers coming in to the flat, and I was at a loss. By the time I contacted Walk and Train I was stressed and worried.
Linnea first explained possible reasons behind Dougal's behaviour and showed me simple techniques to help me take control of the situation. Understanding the reasons behind his reactions made a big difference to me and felt like I could get control back. Gregor started taking Dougal out on walks and now he's out three days a week getting a great run around in the country and socialising with other dogs. The routine and the training has made the world of difference, Dougal's behaviour with other dogs is vastly improved, I'm able to trust and control him better and our walks are much more fun. I'm also able to go to work happier knowing that Dougal's out having a great walk.
I am so glad to have found Linnea and Gregor, their patience and dedication has made a huge difference to both Dougal and I, and I would recommend them to anybody!

- Leanna



