
I got in touch with Linnea at Walk & Train Edinburgh for some help and guidance with my cockapoo, Rufus. When I got in touch for training, there were a few issues I was experiencing when walking Rufus, including him pulling on the leash, him getting overexcited and biting on the leash / lunging at me, stopping in his tracks when another dog approached and reacting to people walking towards us. All of which didn’t make for pleasant walking. However this has all changed and I can’t believe the improvement in Rufus since having completed our training sessions. Rufus now walks on a loose lead which is so much more pleasant, he checks in with me rather than other dogs / people when they approach and I have the tools to get his attention on me to walk by distractions. Not only that, but he can now be walked off the lead in environments where he never would have been before. I feel confident I can get Rufus’ attention away from distractions should they arise and he remains engaged with me on our walks. It has really changed the walks we now go on together. Not only this, but I feel due to the training, Rufus’ behaviour in other situations such as at home has improved and our relationship has improved.
I could not recommend their training enough!



Waggy Races Dog Walking and Training


Dugs Paws Adventures and Training